We had four of Roz’s five grandparents visit last month (my parents divorced and my dad is remarried) and although it has been hectic and occasionally stressful, she and they have really enjoyed it. It’s fun to see how happy her grandparents get around her. They smile and laugh and talk lovingly to her and it’s beautiful to watch. And she does the same! It’s clear she loves all of them, and though I occasionally hear the comment that she doesn’t remember them, it is really clear to me she does.
I love it when family visits. Any family – aunts, uncles, grandparents, whomever. Although some of my family has never visited me here I hope that changes over the next years. I really miss the big family gatherings of my childhood, gatherings that still happen, but generally require us to devote a week and 11+ hours of driving to attend. Worth it, but tiring. Someday I’d love to host one here. We did Thanksgiving with the grandparents and Lurline’s aunt one year and that was a ton of fun. I’d love to get my mom’s brothers and my cousins on that side up for a holiday one year, and my dad’s siblings and my cousins there up another. Or maybe everyone at once. We wouldn’t have room to walk, but it would be great anyway!
Last week I took R to visit MY grandparents. Her great-grandparents love her so much and it’s so apparent in the way they interact with her. My grandpa had the greatest smile on his face when he fed her breakfast and my grandma just loved talking and singing with her.
We also got to see “Grandpa John”. John was my neighbor growing up. His sons are about my age and my sister and I spent a lot of time with their family when we still lived at home. John has remained a good friend for over twenty years now, so it seems fitting he be an honorary grandpa to R. I had the realization last week that John and his family are my oldest friends at this point. I’ve been friends with them since I was 11 or 12, and I’m not in touch with anyone I’ve known longer outside of family members. It’s nice to have some twenty year friends in my life. John is the baby whisperer and R took to him right away.
R also finally got to meet my uncle Mike. That was pretty great. Mike doesn’t always warm up to kids right away, but before he left he was bouncing her in his lap with a big grin on his face. She clearly loved him, too.
I love seeing R around family and it’s my goal to see all of them more this year. I’m sad it took over a year for her to meet my uncles and I hope to visit them more often in the coming years.
I’ll leave you with a photo of R wearing a hat from John’s Great Dalmuti silly hat collection. (Great Dalmuti is one of the best card games out there and I highly recommend you try it, with or without silly hats.)