Category Archives: Racing

Cyclocross training

I’m officially starting my training. Lurline’s cousin is a certified endurance coach and she’s helping me make a plan for building endurance and getting set for the races. I’ll be running 3 days a week and cross training on a fourth, eventually building up to some 2 hour runs — definitely the longest runs I’ve ever done.

Here’s a video of what cyclocross is in case you don’t know:

I’m starting a bootcamp at the end of summer that runs for four weeks right before the season starts. I’m hoping to have upped my endurance and lost a few pounds by then so I have the stamina to do this competitively. While I know I likely won’t do well in my first few races while I get everything down, there’s still a competitive part of me that wants to. I’ve only ever won a competitive solo sporting event once, but man did that feel good (I fenced for five years in college). My third place finishes were nice, too, so my dream goal for this is to get a third place at some point in the season. Again, I’ll be realistic and not beat myself up if it doesn’t happen, but still…

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