I have, due to my back injury (turns out to be a bulging disc), been largely off my bike since the end of October. It’s been a bummer because driving has really been stressing me out and I really miss the exercise and the fun of taking R out by bicycle. In the last month and a half we have been out just one time together and I’ve been out just one time solo. I’m finding it hard to get over the momentum of not riding, though I know I will. It will just take a couple rides and getting back in the habit of starting to get ready early enough not to be late when we go out.
Our one ride together was down to Fremont to do some Christmas shopping for my mom. I won’t say what we bought here because she may read this, but I think she’ll be pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t a long ride, though it felt good and we also got some walking in. I’ve finally gotten used to getting R on my back with the Ergo so I’m able to carry her without back pain and with less strain on the injury. This is much easier than hauling down the stroller, plus at least one place we went doesn’t have access that I know of except for stairs, so a stroller would have been difficult. The last time I went there with her we took the stroller with the detachable car seat, but that one is even harder to put on the bike so that was out. Carrying turned out to be fine and my back didn’t seem any worse the wear for it.
Last night was my first night out solo, and my first trip with out the e-assist. I rode down to my friend Barry’s new brewery, Lucky Envelope Brewing, and met my friend David to catch up. He’s been deep in an intensive class for the last 15 weeks and we hadn’t had a chance to catch up since about week five. It was great catching up and great finally sampling Barry’s commercial beer. I’d had his homebrew many times and it was always great, so I was not surprised that his commercially produced beer was as good if not better. On my way home I definitely missed the e-assist on the two big hills (although I intentionally didn’t take it so I could see what shape I was in and work on getting my lungs and legs back). I stopped for several minutes after biking up the first hill, and walked the second one, but even though I didn’t bike the whole way it will still help me get back in shape.
So, after the holidays I plan to get back to riding more seriously. Prior to my injury I was biking pretty much everywhere but to orchestra practice and that felt really good. I’m looking forward to doing that again.